From Summer's End to First Snowflakes of Fall
We were blessed with an almost surreal succession of weeks with beautiful weather. Days were warm, evenings cool and skies, clear. We could have done with some rain, but it was hard to complain. It was as if summer has decided to apologize for its poor showing in earlier months and gifted us with the most gorgeous of weather!
At this end it's been quite fulfilling being able to tend to my own house and parts for weeks on end. I've been most fortunate with my new pursuits and they've afforded me the chance of shooting, writing, composing and post-producing projects focused on the river valley corridor.
I've also been published in the 2010 Saint Paul Almanac! After being encouraged to submit some work and after a panel judged hundreds of entries, mine was selected. I am very proud to represent the East Side and the article pays homage to its unique story of tradition and change. After looking at it after its publication, I find it somewhat boring. But I received many compliments following a public reading a few weeks ago. Here's to St. Paul!
Some of the last weeks of summer involved taking a cruise in my dad's 69' Firebird. He's nearing completion of the restoration and it now gets a good re-paint before winter. It brought back some of the ol' days, of cruising down McKnight, past Beaver Lake, with window's down and arm out the pillar-less windows. The later rays of the sun and the purr of a tight V-8 have always made the world seem most correct.
My new truck, a 2002, crew-cab Frontier, has been everything and more than I hoped for! It sits nice and with its muted bronze and black trim, feels right at home in any post-apocalyptic zombie film. It's already seen some good sights and is my most constant companion, along with tripod, camera and gear.
The weeks have also seen some co-production with my documentary-producer cousin, delving into music, independent video production, in our true green but creatively determined form.
Now comes the cold, upon us most quickly! It settled with little advanced notice and summer soon departedin a quick wisp. Last night I stood on my front porch as the cold westerly winds brought in the the snow, it's bright flecks caught in the calcium-orange glow of the boulevard lamp post. I'm glad I dug out and brought in the elephant ears from my garden. The koi will have to come from their pond soon!
I'm returning to the days of hosting my seasonal gathering, to bring in good ol' Samhein. The cold has come, but the colors are still holding their best hues in reserve. The next few weeks should bring their highlights.
I will get these words up with more frequency. I hope whoever still reads these is having a great October!
I've also been published in the 2010 Saint Paul Almanac! After being encouraged to submit some work and after a panel judged hundreds of entries, mine was selected. I am very proud to represent the East Side and the article pays homage to its unique story of tradition and change. After looking at it after its publication, I find it somewhat boring. But I received many compliments following a public reading a few weeks ago. Here's to St. Paul!
My new truck, a 2002, crew-cab Frontier, has been everything and more than I hoped for! It sits nice and with its muted bronze and black trim, feels right at home in any post-apocalyptic zombie film. It's already seen some good sights and is my most constant companion, along with tripod, camera and gear.
The weeks have also seen some co-production with my documentary-producer cousin, delving into music, independent video production, in our true green but creatively determined form.
Now comes the cold, upon us most quickly! It settled with little advanced notice and summer soon departedin a quick wisp. Last night I stood on my front porch as the cold westerly winds brought in the the snow, it's bright flecks caught in the calcium-orange glow of the boulevard lamp post. I'm glad I dug out and brought in the elephant ears from my garden. The koi will have to come from their pond soon!
I'm returning to the days of hosting my seasonal gathering, to bring in good ol' Samhein. The cold has come, but the colors are still holding their best hues in reserve. The next few weeks should bring their highlights.
I will get these words up with more frequency. I hope whoever still reads these is having a great October!